Education Without Representation: a response to claims of the Utah State School Board’s Common Core flier
The Utah State Board of Education has circulated a flier which is posted on the official website. core/DOCS/ coreStandardsPamphlet.aspx
None of the claims of the flier have been backed up with references. This response will be backed up with references to verifiable sources and legally binding documents.
- The flier says that Utah is "free to change the Utah Core Standards at any time,"
- and calls the following truth a myth: "Adoption of these new Core Standards threatens the ability of parents, teachers and local school districts to control curriculum." These half-truths are extremely misleading.
FACT: It is true that Utah can change the current Utah Core. But Utah is not free to change the common CCSS standards. And very soon, the CCSS standards will be all we’ll teach. The CCSS standards are the only standards the common test is being written to. The CCSS standards are the only standards that are truly common to all Common Core states. Unique state standards are meaningless in the context of the tests. This has been verified by WestEd, the test maker.http://whatiscommoncore. is-wested-and-why-should-you- care/
When teachers realize that merit pay and student performance depend on how well teachers teach the CCSS, and not on how well they teach the Utah Core, they will abandon the state core and focus on teaching to the CCSS-based test. Since there is no possibility for Utah to make changes to CCSS, we have given up our educational system if we take the common test. This is education without representation. Already there are significant differences between the Utah Core and the CCSS (such as, we allow lots of classic literature and CCSS does not; it favors slashing literature in favor of infotexts in English classes). When additional wrongheaded changes come to the CCSS standards, under Common Core, Utah will be unable to do anything about it. CCSS has no amendment process.
FACT: The CCSS standards amount to education without representation. They cannot be amended by us, yet they are sure to change over time. A U.S.O.E. lawyer was asked, "Why is there no amendment process for the CCSS standards?" She did not claim that there was one. Instead, she replied: "Why would there need to be? The whole point is to be common." (Email received April 2012 by C. Swasey from C. Lear)
- The flier states that this is a myth: "Utah adopted nationalized education standards that come with federal strings attached.”
FACT: Utah's Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Department of Education (via the SBAC tests; link below) presents so many federal strings, it's more like federal rope around Utah's neck.
The Cooperative Agreement mandates synchronization of testing arms and testing, mandates giving status updates and written reports and phone conferences with the federal branch and it demands that “across consortia,” member states provide data “on an ongoing basis” for perusal by the federal government. This federal control is, according to G.E.P.A. laws and the U.S. Constitution, an illegal encroachment by the federal government on our state. racetothetop-assessment/sbac- cooperative-agreement.pdf
FACT: The Federal government paid for the promotion of Common Core. It paid other groups to do what it constitutionally forbiddewn to do. Each group that worked to develop the standards and/or the test were federally funded and each remains under compliance regulations of federal grants. For two examples, PARCC (a testing consortium) was funded through a four-year, $185 million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Education to delivering a K-12 assessment system. achieve-names-three-directors. WestED, the other consortium test writer for SBAC, is funded by the executive branch, including the U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Justice. print/docs/we/fund.htm. There are many more examples of federal funding and federal promotion of this supposedly state-led initative if you just do a little digging.
FACT: To exit the SBAC, a state must get federal approval and the permission of a majority of consortium states. 9893a0d64ef55d966b7780a034259c 63/ (page 297).
FACT: When South Carolina recently made moves to sever ties with the Common Core Initiative, Arne Duncan, the U.S. Secretary of Education, began to make angry, unsubstatiated attacks, insulting South Carolina. releases/statement-us- secretary-education-arne- duncan-1 Duncan had similarly insulted Texas educators on national television and had made incorrect statements about Texas education, when that state refused to join Common Core.
- The flier states that this is a myth: “Utah taxpayers will have to pay more money to implement the new Utah Core Standards.”
FACT: No cost analysis has been done by Utah. (Ask U.S.O.E. to see one.)
FACT: Other states cited high implementation costs as reasons they rejected the Common Core Initiative. The Texas Education Agency estimated implementing the Common Core standards in the state would result in professional development costs of $60 million for the state and approximately $500 million for local school districts, resulting in a total professional development cost of $560 million. http://www.pioneerinstitute. org/pdf/120222_CCSSICost.pdf (p. 15) Also, Virginia’s State School Board cited both educational and financial reasons for rejecting Common Core. news/news_releases/2010/jun16. pdf
FACT: California is asking for tax hikes right now to pay for Common Core Implementation. education-policy-and-politics/ california-wants-a-tax-hike- to-pay-for-common-core/
FACT: South Carolina’s Governor Haley is right now trying to escape Common Core’s federal and financial entanglements. education-policy-and-politics/ sc-gov-nikki-haley-backs-bill- to-block-common-core- standards/
- The flier states that “The Utah Core Standards were created, like those in 44 other states, to address the problem of low expectations.”
This is a half-truth. While some dedicated Utahns have been working to address the problem of low expectations for years, the Common Core Initiative was hastily adopted for financial reasons. Utah agreed to join the Common Core and the SBAC long before the common standards had even been written or released, or any cost analysis or legal analysis had taken place. Utah joined Common Core and the SBAC to get more eligibility points in the points-based “Race to the Top” grant application. While Utah didn’t win the grant money, it stayed tied to Common Core and the SBAC testing consortium afterwards. racetothetop/phase1- applications/utah.pdf
- The flier states that this is a myth: "Political leaders and education experts oppose the Common Core State Standards."
FACT: Stanford Professor Michael Kirst testified, among other things, that it is unrealistic to call four year, two year, and vocational school preparation equal college readiness preparation: http://collegepuzzle.stanford. edu/?p=466
FACT: Professor Sandra Stotsky who served on the CC Validation Committee refused to sign off on the standards as authentic English preparation for college:http://parentsacrossamerica. org/2011/04/sandra-stotsky-on- the-mediocrity-of-the-common- core-ela-standards/
FACT: Mathematician Ze’ev Wurman has testified to the South Carolina Legislature that the math standards are insufficient college preparation: pdf/120216_Testimony_Stergios_ SC.pdf and http:// tag/zeev-wurman/
- The flier states inaccurately states: “Most thoughtful people on this issue have lined up in favor of the Common Core State Standards.”
FACT: Governor Herbert is in the middle of a legal, educational and financial review of the standards right now. He affirmed to Heber City teachers and citizens last month that he is willing to review the standards and the political complications of the Common Core Initiative and to meet again with the teachers and citizens together with his legal team.
FACT: The majority of gubernatorial candidates and candidates for senate and house representation at the Republican convention have stated that they are directly opposed to the Common Core Initiative. This fact is verifiable via the document published for the 2012 Republican convention by Alisa Ellis, on which each candidate was asked to state whether he/she was for, against, or still learning, about the Common Core Initiative.
FACT: In less than two weeks, more than 1,500 Utah teachers, parents, taxpayers and students have signed the petition at http:// without any advertising or marketing efforts, just by word of mouth.
FACT: There is a significant group of Utah educators who have not and will not speak out in this forum, although they do have serious concerns about the Common Core. There is a perception that to speak against the Common Core Initiative is unacceptable or disloyal. This spiral of silence spins from the fear educators have of losing their jobs if they express what they really see. Some educators quietly and confidentially reveal this to others who boldly oppose to Common Core.
Utah educators might respond well to an anonyomously administered survey, so that educators might feel safer in sharing multicolored rather than all rose colored, experiences from this first year of Common Core Implementation, without having to identify themselves. Educators who have had a good experience with this first year of implementation of Common Core dare speak out. But Utah educators who do speak out boldly against common core, if you pay close attention, are those who are on maternity leave or who have sources of income other than educating, for financial support, and are thus unafraid of losing jobs.
This final point is obviously difficult to substantiate, but ought to be studied and either verified or proven false, by the Utah State School Board.
Christel Swasey
Heber City
Parent and Teacher